
Of randoms and knots

I ushered 2011 with the anticipation of new things; a new house (which we had purchased in Oct), the renovation of the new house, my promotion and a huge ass debt on my head. It is now coming to the end of August and much has happened.

In late February, our house started being renovated. We were seen running around picking out tiles, bathroom accessories, furniture, paint colours and fittings. It was a crazy 1 month for us. Then April rolled in and we moved in. We had found out the house was haunted by none other than a female spirit who had no intention of sharing a space she had had for God knows how long. Unfortunately for her, neither was I ( more because I was scared shitless by the mere fact I could die a mysterious death because she was pissed) so my Dad got a Hindu priest to exorcise the house.

Side bar: I am a Christian but ….ahhh… it’s a long story. Bottom line is, this priest was the go to man for this kinda freaky stuff.

House was then peaceful and the boyfriend and I started our new adventure together. At this point, the boyfriend had got a new job and is much happier than he was before. Our house is still in quite a state because we don’t have a proper kitchen. My Mom gave me a portable cabinet and the boyfriend’s Mom gave us a portable single stove. I cook but with the limited work space and equipment, I can’t be that creative.

June welcomed Pei and Ash and a wedding announcement. I was the last to know but hell, it’s more my fault than anyone else’s because I’m too busy to catch up or even keep in touch. To add to the joy, Pei and Ash announced their wedding plans too. Their announcement made me cry ( I must admit) because of two things; one; FINALLY and two; the age old question of when I’ll be tying the damn knot.

The boyfriend had been afraid of this when he heard about the impending weddings and rightly so because I was bawling my eyes out, falling short of holding a pity party to commemorate the possibility of me being an old maid (with a boyfriend). Then I started busying myself with the planning of Pei’s wedding; looking at flowers, cakes and researching venues so when she needs them, she just needs to ask and I would have it at hand.

When I mention these upcoming weddings to anyone, I have to be prepared to deflect any attention to my ring less finger although I’m doing a pretty poor job at it. My comeback is a standard statement that I’m thinking of tattooing to my forehead “ ask him” or “I look too sane to be getting married”. That should do the trick or at least I hope.

The work scene is stressful, as always and I see pimples popping up on my forehead because of it. Not flattering, not flattering at all.

I shall now bid my adieu till the next time I have an hour to kill and update you on my ever so hectic life.

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